Tarot spread – How do others see me?
For (name, example): Claire
Card 1 - How do I perceive myself?
2 of Swords
You don't know what to think of yourself. It's almost as if you are two-in-one (maybe Gemini or Pisces zodiac?) who is not very integrated inside. When you feel good you find yourself shiny and hot, but another time when you're down you don't care for yourself to the point of totally neglecting your body needs. Besides, you seem to be sitting more in your mind than the body.
Card 2 - How do others see me?
3 of Pentacles
They see you cooperative but also too altruistic, that you prefer to give others first before yourself. They may perceive you as a workaholic who doesn't necessary pay attention to looks. Strangers may think you don't want to accent yourself through the external presence so you choose universally that what was suggested to wear for people in your age, of your height, with a certain hair length, color, etc. Finally, since its the 3rd card of 10 of Pentacles maximum, it may mean you choose low cost clothes, maybe picked up from a second-hand store too.
Card 3 - What is unique about me?
XI Justice
This is the Major Arcana card speaking of equality, law and balance. It's how you were made, something you can't change because it's in the core of your soul. You have a perfect perception of symmetry thus you know how to balance shapes, colors, dimensions. When it comes to your character, you're always fair, respectful, harmonious, self-controlled, bound by some laws or ethics - you demand the same approach from others and often tell them how they should or shouldn't behave. In your youth, your parents might have been very judgmental, unfair and demanding towards you.
Card 4 - What should I accent in my look to draw more attention, be remembered better?
10 of Swords
You may have a 'beaten', 'battered' look. It's either in your face (no smile, dark circles under your eyes, mismatched hairstyle), or your posture may be bent, you often look down - these make you look older, tired, less self-confident even when you're not. Thus you should abandon dark colors, heavy make up, loose, shapeless clothes, but focus on bright or lively colors, patterns, well matched clothes. You may try out a semi-sports style too.
Card 5 - What should I avoid in my appearance, my make up, fashion, the body language?
2 of Cups
The card speaks of the perfect couple who can heal each other with love as they create one being, one power. A twin flame couple one may say. This could also mean that you are indeed two-in-one person (it's another number 2 in the spread), with your masculine and feminine characteristics but also energies balanced. This may make you look and feel memorable yet androgynous (or angelic) and many people may ponder if in fact you're more a feminine or masculine. Since we're becoming our true selves on the New Earth, you may call yourself 'binary' :)
The card may be speaking of avoiding a dualistic fashion or style, because these weaken your overall appearance. Say, pink girly dresses to heavy boots, folk hair styles to suits, lots of mismatching patterns, colors and accessories. Maybe a romantic fashion doesn't fit your body or behavior.
Reader: Drakonia
Date: August 17th, 2020
Deck: Illuminati
Deck: Illuminati