Tarot spread – What makes me feel incomplete?
For (names, example): Kevin
Card 1 - What's missing in my life right now?
6 of Pentacles
There's a sense of injustice in terms of taking and giving. You, or someone else doesn't make an effort to balance the equality and one of you feels underestimated or abused in some way. This could be connected to a job (doing too much, underpaid) or an emotional relationship with someone (things you do are beneficial for the other person while you receive breadcrumbs, or vice versa).
Card 2 - Why do I think I don't have it?
The High Priestess
It may be due to a lack of proper communication with the other party. Problems are left for guessing, someone is afraid to speak up as if they asked for too much. Also you may be avoiding to reach out to your own intuition and believe what it says to you. Tune into your heart, not just the intellect to know the truth. Related zodiac sign - Pisces.
Card 3 - How does this lack influences my overall energy?
The Death
It is killing you slowly to the point of transformation to finally open up before you explode in a single blast where things could never be the same afterwards. You're witnessing a process within, the alchemical nigredo phase when things turn to ashes to disintegrate. The lack of equality could also mean the death of a connection between you and a person, job, passion, environment, friends, a place to live etc. Related zodiac - Scorpio.
Card 4 - What should I do to complete myself?
Page of Cups
If this is you not giving but taking too much, say sorry through a small message, talk and correct your actions. Ask and understand emotional needs of the other. If it's another person or environment treating you unfairly, feel no guilt, speak up, stop being idealistic, giving, romantic towards someone then set healthy, self-protective boundaries, or move on to another place, partner or work.
Card 5 - Where could I possibly find such a fulfillment?
The Hermit
It means you may need to go inside and re-connect with your Self while staying away from others, and sources of information as well (a phone, TV, radio, social networking etc.) This is a card of isolation, so again - set your boundaries, monitor your impulses, get to the root of your over-giving, or injustice acceptance problems. It's usually comes out of a need to control others from fear of abandonment. If you're the greedy one, track back to your childhood, maybe you had many siblings and parents weren't fair to all of you. This is a problem a low self esteem - you don't feel you are enough for yourself and others so paradoxically you take to be proven you're worth of being given a lot. Related zodiac - Virgo - this could be your coach, a psychologist, best friend to help you if you decide to seek help, solutions.
Reader: Drakonia
Date: October 7th, 2020
Deck: Night Sun mini