Tarot spread – monthly reading spread 4 cards
For (name, example): Tobias
These are possible weekly major themes, breakthroughs accompanying the month of your interest (f.e. September 2020).
Card 1 - week 1
Page of Pentacles
This is a card of a small offer or a new business idea, a start-up done with a younger person who knows well what should be achieved. He's not too experienced but eager to learn and test new possibilities. You may feel a need to compare your idea to similar ventures and think twice before you get involved, because a financial investment will be necessary to make as well.
There could be a young person reaching out to you - a buyer ready to purchase something you've got for sale on classifieds, a store etc. but the item is low cost. You will get rid of what you don't want to keep.
There's a chance of being respected for your economical, pragmatic and realistic approach to something. It's time for studying and testing at the same time to see what works well, and what should be abandoned. If you're looking for an employment, a new offer of internship in a corporation or a bigger company may land up on your email. You'll be grounded well and feeling healthy this week too. Take care for your look and listen to your body.
Card 1 - week 2
10 of Wands
It seems you've accepted too much work and now you're feeling burnt out. When was the last time you ditched the phone, computer, TV, work, family life and cared for yourself exclusively? 10 of Wands card means it's also the last step after all the struggle - you're expecting results of your engagement and they will be. The energy of your body and soul are extremely low now, so detach and regenerate. It's recommended to take a shower, neutralize stress, clear your mind, listen to the music, walk in the nature, burn incense sticks, eat well, enjoy little things, rise your vibration. Be grateful for what you have already achieved alone, or with the help of others and rest well.
Card 1 - week 3
XIV Temperance
This is a follow-up of the previous week. It's time to pull back, balance out and wait patiently for the results of anything you've been engaged into lately. It's a Major Arkana card meaning the Universe has a plan which is greater than yours. Let it develop in its own time. Slow down, be a neutral observer, don't make any decisions or push, change anything this week. You'll be called out to take action when the time is right. Watch for the ego triggers and avoid reacting to any provocation. Your energy may be still low, regenerating and healing after the 2nd week, so it's necessary to not to get involved with the outside world.
Card 1 - week 4
King of Swords
Now is the time for making major decisions and you will do it right, if you think of how the King of Swords acts. He's the master-mind problem solver - he listens to all facts, filters out what doesn't sit well with his logic, compares all important pros and cons, listens to every party involved in a situation. He's cold, unemotional, realistic, an open-minded data gatherer and a good listener.
Collect all data possible, draw the line between what you need and what others need, decide if it's worth of doing because it may be a life changing decision. If it is, go for it, tell everyone, be diplomatic and don't look or step back. It's solely your decision so walk your talk because a judgment may follow. Your situation may require a piece of advice from somebody very experienced or a legal advice as well.
Reader: Drakonia
Date: August 17th, 2020
Deck: Universal Fantasy