Tarot spread – 1 question, 3 cards: for, against, advice
For (name, example): Paco
Question: Paco would like to invest some money into building a little greenhouse for Aroid plants on his land to sell them locally and ship nationally. They've been popular and pricey for quite some time. He asks the cards if he should do it, or not.
Card 1 - For
Ace of Wands
Having this card at the 'for' position is a true blessing from the Universe! It speaks of passion, great energy, taking action and having results manifested quickly too. It's a green light bringing self-confidence and motivation to let Paco go for what he wants. It also means overcoming any obstacles and having supporters as well.
Card 1 - Against
Ace of Swords
The 2nd, neighboring Ace of only 3 cards in the spread doesn't seem a voice against. It's more like - pick up that a sword and bring that idea into life, show what you have. Paco needs to apply a good plan, since he's already inspired. It also signifies a new cycle of life, not lasting forever though but letting Paco establish something meaningful. There may be only a little warning to have things well organized and crystal clear for the outside world, since the business is about selling plants for some big money. The man needs to learn about growing such plants and protecting them against viruses or bugs, be innovative, open-minded, assertive and communicative. The only downside of this card understood as 'against' may mean to be careful with too much of a mental attitude towards the business. Paco should not forget about his love for living plants instead of treating them as items, numbers with genre names and prices attached to.
Card 1 - Advice
6 of Cups
The card speaks of past life people, children in this case, who love each other and are eager to give and take without strings attached, just based on unconditional love. It may mean that sometime Paco should accept gifts from or offer bonuses to customers to express his gratitude that they found him and let him make his dream come true, aside of making a living. Perhaps he could welcome children into his greenhouse by organizing workshops to show how to reproduce or grow the Aroids, then kids' parents could buy plants, soil, pots and other accessories, if they like?
Reader: Drakonia
Date: August 16th, 2020
Deck: Night Sun mini
Date: August 16th, 2020
Deck: Night Sun mini