An example reading for 2021 - "Take Five!" - video

This is a 5-shaped tarot spread for 2021 I designed solely (copyrighted). It refers to 2021 as the numerological 5 year which reoccurs every nine years and speaks of a change, adventure, novelties, tests & tribulations, improvement, new relationships, divorces, break-ups, alignment to the highest compatibility with other people, soul tribes, soul mates, twin flames & so on. The latest '5' years were 2012, 2003, 1994, 1985, 1976 and so on, and 2345 will be 5 too! :) Were you born in any of these? Time to get a soul/energy/life upgrade in 2021!
Cards I use in the video - a trimmed 'version' of The Labirynth by L. Royo.

'Take Five' personal reading includes 12 cards for every month which also covers 12 different aspects of life (love, new love, marriage, sex, family & children, career, money, self-expression, soul searching, destiny, life lessons, physical & mental health, etc., etc.)

Order your personal reading on Fiverr (a well-known platform for freelancers). I'll send a .pdf file with a photo of the spread within 3 business days maximum.
Or email me at 

and I'll send you a PayPal payment request ($50 for 'Take Five' reading). No refunds. I'll spend my time (1-3hrs) on the cards reading, writing an interpretation, and other related tasks.

Reader: Drakonia
Date: December 12, 2020
Deck: The Labyrinth (trimmed)